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Main topic: Problems with SecAttachFileToDB

Solved (by Leif lagebrand, 09/18/2006 03:05:16 AM)

The last problem was that I missed to pass the hDb parameter with ByVal. The functioning code looks like (if anyone is interested):

Option Public

Option Declare

' Declare some c constants


' Declare some c functions


Declare Function PathNetConstruct Lib "nnotes" Alias "OSPathNetConstruct" (Byval PortName As Lmbcs String, _

Byval ServerName As Lmbcs String, Byval FileName As Lmbcs String, Byval retPathName As Lmbcs String) As Integer


Declare Function NSFDbOpen Lib "nnotes" Alias "NSFDbOpen" (Byval dbName As Lmbcs String, hdb As Long) As Integer


Declare Function NSFDbClose Lib "nnotes" Alias "NSFDbClose" (Byval hdb As Long) As Integer


Declare Function SECAttachIdFileToDB Lib "nnotes" Alias "SECAttachIdFileToDB" (Byval hdb As Long, Byval ProfileNotesName As _

Lmbcs String, Byval ProfileNoteNameLength As Long, Byval UserName As Long, Byval UserNameLength As Long, _

Byval FileName As Lmbcs String, Byval Password As Lmbcs String, Byval Reserved As Long, Byval pReserved As _

Long) As Integer


Declare Function TranslateFromStr Lib "nnotes" Alias "OSTranslate" (Byval translateMode As Integer, Byval inBuff As _

Unicode String, Byval inLen As Integer, Byval outBuff As Long, Byval outLen As Integer) As Integer


Declare Function OSLockObject Lib "nnotes" Alias "OSLockObject" (Byval handle As Long) As Long


Declare Sub OSUnlockObject Lib "nnotes" Alias "OSUnlockObject" (Byval handle As Long)


Declare Function OSMemoryAllocate Lib "nnotes"(Byval dwtype As Long, Byval size As Long, rethandle As Long) As Integer


Declare Sub OSMemoryFree Lib "nnotes" Alias "OSMemoryFree"(Byval handle As Long)


Declare Function OSMemoryLock Lib "nnotes" Alias "OSMemoryLock" (Byval handle As Long) As Long


Declare Sub OSMemoryUnLock Lib "nnotes" Alias "OSMemoryUnlock" (Byval handle As Long)


Declare Sub OSLoadString Lib "nnotes" Alias "OSLoadString" (Byval null1 As Long, _

Byval sError As Integer, Byval errstr As String, Byval lenstr As Integer)

' ============================

Class memoryManager


   OpenHandles List As Variant


   Function LockObject (h) As Long

      If h=0 Then Exit Function   ' make sure you do not use 0 pointer

                              ' returned in case handle is 0

      LockObject = OSLockObject(h)

      OpenHandles(h) = LockObject

   End Function


   Sub UnLockObject (h)

      If h=0 Then Exit Sub ' do not bite

      If Iselement(OpenHandles(h)) Then

         OSUnlockObject h

         Erase OpenHandles(h)

      End If

   End Sub


   Sub UnLockAll

      Forall hh In Me.OpenHandles

         Me.unlockObject hh

      End Forall

   End Sub


   Sub Delete

      UnLockAll ' on delete release all locked handles

   End Sub


End Class

' ============================

Public Class memoryManagerExt As memoryManager


   buffers List As Long


   Public Function newBuffer (lenBuff As Long) As Long

      Dim irc As Integer, hBuff As Long ' these handles are Long in all OSes

      irc =OSMemoryAllocate (0, lenBuff, hBuff)

      If irc=0 Then

         If hBuff = 0 Then Exit Function ' paranoid chek - it should not be 0 if retrun code is OK

         buffers(hBuff)= OSMemoryLock (hBuff)

         newBuffer = buffers(hBuff)


         Print getError(irc)

      End If

   End Function


   Public Sub Delete

      Forall p In Me.buffers


         OSMemoryUnlock Listtag(p)

         OSMemoryFree Listtag(p)

      End Forall

   End Sub


End Class ' * memoryManagerExt

Sub Initialize


   On Error Goto errorHandler


   Dim ses As New NotesSession

   Dim db As NotesDatabase

   Dim PortName As String

   Dim ServerName As String

   Dim FileName As String

   Dim pathName As String*1024

   Dim ret As Integer

   Dim hdb As Long

   Dim ProfileNoteName As String

   Dim LmbcsLen As Long

   Dim memMan As New memoryManagerExt

   Dim pLmbcsStr As Long

   Dim IdFileName As String

   Dim password As String




   Set db = ses.CurrentDatabase


   ' Construct the path to this database

   PortName = ""

   ServerName = db.Server

   FileName = db.FilePath

   ret = PathNetConstruct(PortName, ServerName, FileName, pathName)

   If ret <> 0 Then Error 1212, "Something went amiss"


   ' Open database to get a handle opn it

   ret = NSFDbOpen(pathName, hdb)

   If ret <> 0 Then Error 1212, "Something went amiss"


   ProfileNoteName = "test"

   pLmbcsStr = memMan.newBuffer (3 * Lenb(ProfileNoteName))


   LmbcsLen = TranslateFromStr(OS_TRANSLATE_UNICODE_TO_LMBCS, ProfileNoteName, Lenb(ProfileNoteName), _

   pLmbcsStr, 3 * Lenb(ProfileNoteName))


   IdFileName = "c:\hto.id"

   Password = "********" ' Correct pwd for stated id file


   ret = SECAttachIdFileToDB(hdb, ProfileNoteName, LmbcsLen, 0, 0, _

   IdFileName, Password, 0, 0)

   If ret <> 0 Then Error 1212, "Something went amiss"


   ' Close the database to free its resources

   ret = NSFDbClose(hdb)

   If ret <> 0 Then Error 1212, "Something went amiss"




   Exit Sub




   Print Error$ + " in line " + Cstr(Erl)

   Messagebox Error$ + " in line " + Cstr(Erl)

   Resume exitOk


End Sub

Public Function getError (enum As Integer) As String


   Dim s As String*256

   OSLoadString 0, enum And &h03FFFFFFF, s, 256

   getError = Strleft(s, Chr(0))


End Function